Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

For those of you that know me, I'm probably one of the more detached people out here, but I'll try to put that aspect of me aside for a second. We all have our inspirations in life, and my mother happens to be one of my biggest ones. My mother is one of the main reasons that I have accomplished what I've accomplished today. She's also the reason that I continue to work towards my future goals and aspirations. Without her in my life, I'm honestly not sure where I would be. She pushed me before I was able/willing to push myself. If I could find a young lady out there like Mrs. Parker, I'd be set.

I could talk for days about how much I love my mother, but I encourage everyone to reach out to their mothers or any other positive female influences in your respective lives. I can't forget my grandmothers, aunts, cousins, or friends either. These women should truly be cherished.

Before I go back to my normal self, I'll close with Kanye West's song "Hey Mama", the Grammy performance version:

Cheers to all the Mothers,


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