Thursday, December 24, 2009

Building Your Inner Circle

Good Evening All,

I know awhile back I wrote about expanding your horizons and stepping outside of your comfort zone. While this is an important aspect of all of our personal growth, it's equally, if not more, important to have a core inner circle of people.

These are the people that you truly trust and can turn to in both good and bad times, and they can easily do the same thing with you.

The toughest part of designing your inner circle is actually selecting the circlites (my word). It can be difficult to know who truly is there for you as you as opposed to what you have, your social status, or whatever other superficial reasons are out there.

Also, it can be difficult to decide who to share your personal information with, and who will keep this information confidential.

My best advice is to go with your gut feeling on this; more times than not in the process of getting to know someone they will unknowingly give out hints on their trustworthiness. You'll find that you constantly add and remove people from your circle of trust...that's just how it goes.

Good luck, and remember Proverbs 13:20 in your selection process: "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm".

Cheers to those we can count on,


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