Thursday, October 15, 2009

"God Knows My Heart"

Growing up in the Black church, this is a saying that I've heard millions of times. I'll even go as far as to say that it's one of the more overused phrases period...right behind "at the end of the day". Cliches aside, I completely agree that God knows all of our hearts at the deepest possible level. But you know what else he knows? Our actions.

Many of the times that I hear this phrase used it's when someone has neglected their responsibilities or just has done something in general that God would not approve of. While many of us use this in a joking manner (myself included), we should take a step back and think about what we're really saying.

In church Sunday, the reverend was talking about how God loves us so much that he gives us the power to choose the light or the darkness. I took from this that He knows what is at our core...the being that He created. But He also knows that the negative ways of the world play into our actions, hence creating the darkness.

I'm by no means perfect and there are often actions or inaction on my part that take me away from God's path for me. But as I hop off my soapbox, let's make sure that God is not only proud of the person we are on the inside, but also the person we show to the rest of the world.

Cheers to the Light,


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