Sunday, September 20, 2009

Keep It In the Right Place

"God is good all the time, and all the time God is good."

No, I didn't get a morning service in...i just checked Facebook. Just by looking on Facebook this morning, I like the positivity that I see. One of the main reasons that I go on is actually to check people's status updates; it's always refreshing to see people giving glory to God for the blessings in their lives, as well as turning to him for strength when things become grim.

I used to be against putting religion based statuses on FB, but I have since reconsidered my position; there's nothing wrong with asking others to pray for you or letting the world know how God has brought you through so much, as long as your heart is in the right place. By that I mean you're not just looking to be cool or gain some form of adoration from others, but you are genuinely and sincerely looking to help or ask for help from your fellow man. Nothing at all wrong with that. I actually applaud people who do this because it is not easy to step outside of yourself and put others first, even if it's just for a second.

Let's keep our hearts in the right place.



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