Sunday, September 20, 2009

JIP's Picks: Kid Cudi

Okay, so I know that I'm not the first person to talk about this guy, but I felt compelled to write this anyway: Kid Cudi is one of my new favorite artists.

Now, for those of you who know me, this says a lot. I was hesitant to buy in at first because I'm normally against artists that come in with a lot of hype (Drake), especially when it's on the back of somebody like Kanye. Nonetheless, I downloaded the mixtape "Dat Kid from Cleveland". After listening to it, I realized that this guy had potential. He had a smooth flow, but it was his choice of beats that I enjoyed the most; he wasn't afraid to try something different and branch out. It reminded me of what Kanye did with The College Dropout when he made the soul sample a mainstay in the production world.

Next, I listened to "A Kid Named Cudi". This mixtape, albeit his introductory tape, took even more risks that "Dat Kid from Cleveland". Off of the bat, he featured Wale, who is another one of my favorite new artists, so that showed me he knows what time it is. My favorite song on the mixtape is "The Prayer" which has the following lyrics in the first verse
Sometimes I'm thinking God made me special here on purpose
So all the while 'til I'm gone make my words important so
If I slip away, if I die today the last thing you remember won't
Be about some apple bottom jeans with the boots with the fur
Baby how I dream of being free since my birth
Cursed but the demons I confronted would disperse
Have you ever heard of some sh!t so real?
Beyond from the heart, from the soul you can feel?

Enough said.

After listening to both of these mixtapes, I naturally was hype about the release of "Man on the Moon: The End of Day", and it, if possible, exceeded my expectations. That's mainly due to the fact that this album explored the non-traditional hip-hop side of Kid Cudi that was introduced in his mixtapes. This is definitely an alternative rap album.

Another element of this album that I connected with is the vulnerability he displayed; the level of realness in his lyrics was a breath of fresh air. For instance, in one of my favorite songs, "Soundtrack 2 My Life" the chorus goes:

I’ve got some issues that nobody can see
And all of these emotions are pouring out of me
I bring them to the light for you
It’s only right
This is the soundtrack to my life, the soundtrack to my life

Although Cudi is signed to GOOD Music, there are only two Kanye produced tracks, including his second single "Make Her Say" featuring Kanye and Common. This leaves the rest of the album to use production to explore a wide variety of non-traditional hip-hop beats, making it that much more enjoyable.

The last thing I'll touch on is how this is a concept album by definition. There are 5 acts. which are narrated by Common: The End of Day, Rise of the Night Terrors, Taking a Trip, Stuck, A New Beginning. Each song plays a role in the overall development of the album and contributes to the transition between each act.

I could talk about this album all day, but I encourage everyone to have a listen. It may not be for everybody, but I believe everyone will leave with an appreciation for the body of work.

Check out Cudi performing his new single, "Pursuit of Happiness" on Letterman:

Cheers to Kid Cudi,


You Socialist!

Socialism-various theories of economic organization advocating state, public or common worker ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and a society characterized by equal access to resources for all individuals with a more egalitarian method of compensation.

Are we a socialist nation? Absolutely not. Should we embrace elements of socialism? Absolutely. For example the "equal access to resources for all individuals" is a great concept. It is a must to counteract the elitism that is still alive and well in the US.
I understand that socialism is one of those "great on paper" ideas that will only work in theory, but that does not mean that we cannot embrace and apply some of its aspects that will go a long way to benefiting our country.

Let's take healthcare, for example, since it's a hot topic. Many Americans are against it, and this scares me for two reasons: 1) people actually do listen to whoever talks the loudest and 2) people really don't care about their fellow man.

First point: Many Republicans are saying that the President's healthcare plan will not work and the American people are listening to all of their yelling and doing some of their own as evident by the townhall meetings. I have no problem with anyone disagreeing with a particular plan; I actually think that is the best way to come up with the best solution. I do have a problem when misinformation is being fed to the people. For instance, saying that Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the President's advisors, is a "deadly doctor" and wants to limit healthcare for the disabled and the elderly. This is what people are being told, and people are getting scared. What they aren't being told is that this logic is being taken completely out of context from research papers that the doctor has published over the years. Nevertheless, the thought is in their heads and their fears have been awaken...the loud talk worked! Reversing this will be an uphill battle.

Second point: what is true about this new healthcare reform plan is that those of us who are comfortably insured could end up footing the bill for those who are not, and possibly end up paying more. I have a problem with the fact that this bothers and fuels a lot of the opponents of the healthcare reform. And not to mention, you will be able to keep your current plan if you're happy with it? Ridiculous. Personally, if I know that my paying extra will benefit my fellow man and help him to afforded the same level of care that I receive, I have no problem with it. I'm all for affording equal opportunities to all resources to ALL Americans. It's our Christian as well as our civic duty to help those who are unable to help themselves, or at least give them the same opportunities that we have been afforded. If wanting this makes me a socialist, then call me Karl Marx.

Cheers to (proper) healthcare,


Rant #1- Life's Beauty

Life is beautiful, no way around it. You see it in people, nature, even in buildings. The differences that we all possess are a key component of life...individuality. What fun would it be if we all had the same thoughts, ideas, feelings? What beauty is there in a world that lacks diversity? You know where God allows my joy to come from? Being part of something that is ever changing...something that you can never quite figure out. That's beautiful...the pain, the love, the excitement, the anxiety...the bad things in life make the good all the more enjoyable. There's beauty in challenging yourself...seeing what you are made of...see what your heart of hearts truly desires and going for it. There's beauty in making a difference in somebody's life outside of your own...being a little more selfless. Have you helped anyone recently? Do you plan to in the future? There's beauty in, that can be a topic all it's own. Take time out to step outside of yourself and see the wonderment that is life, and the beauty it possesses.



Keep It In the Right Place

"God is good all the time, and all the time God is good."

No, I didn't get a morning service in...i just checked Facebook. Just by looking on Facebook this morning, I like the positivity that I see. One of the main reasons that I go on is actually to check people's status updates; it's always refreshing to see people giving glory to God for the blessings in their lives, as well as turning to him for strength when things become grim.

I used to be against putting religion based statuses on FB, but I have since reconsidered my position; there's nothing wrong with asking others to pray for you or letting the world know how God has brought you through so much, as long as your heart is in the right place. By that I mean you're not just looking to be cool or gain some form of adoration from others, but you are genuinely and sincerely looking to help or ask for help from your fellow man. Nothing at all wrong with that. I actually applaud people who do this because it is not easy to step outside of yourself and put others first, even if it's just for a second.

Let's keep our hearts in the right place.



Saturday, September 19, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome one, welcome all to my new blog "Established 1984". The main reason for the name is fairly obvious, being that I was born in 1984, but there is more; I feel that not only was I born in '84, but it is also when I began to build the legacy that I will leave here, even before I knew or cared. My goal is to have a positive impact on this world, and hopefully this blog can somehow accomplish part of this.

Also, I have a lot of things in my head that I would like to share with the world and what better forum is there than a blog. I want to show those who don't know me well or who have never had a real conversation with me that there are deep thoughts behind the charming Alabama smile :-).

This blog will focus on a variety of things: style, sports, religion, current events, random rants, etc. Who knows, I might even throw some of my writing on here...

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy Established 1984.
